Monday, September 22, 2008

Our Leave in Illinois

We just got back to Fort Riley last night after spending 9 days home in Illinois on leave. We usually stay with my parents but they just bought a new house and are gutting it so we ended up staying with Alberts G-Ma. She rocks. All in all it was a great visit. We got family pictures done by the same guy that did our wedding back in 04' and I can't wait to see how they turned out. I got Bree a new outfit and Albert brought his new set of acu's to wear for the pics. and of course neither Bree nor Albert could fit into their designated clothes on picture day! lol Needless to say I didn't get the pictures I wanted but I guess these were the pictures we were ment to have. I'll post them as soon as he gets them up on his website. Yesterday morning before we left we got everyone in both of our families together for breakfast as it was the last time everyone would see Albert until this stupid dumb deployment is over. Everyone stood in a circle as Grandpa prayed for us to have a safe trip home and that Albert be protected while over-there. Everyone hugged us and I could see the tears well up as they hugged Albert and the pitty in their eyes as they hugged me. I had this huge overwhelming urge to cry but I held it together as I'm sure I'll have to do many more time throughout this coming year. Aubree did great on the trip. She didn't sleep much which turned out to be a good thing because when we got back here to Kansas she crashed out hard core and didn't wake up till almost 10am today. We move out of our apartment on the 29th and will be staying in a hotel until he leaves then Bree and I will drive back to Illinois and stay. Alberts deployment ceremony date has changed and is now on the 30th, time is just going way to fast.

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