Saturday, September 27, 2008

Moving into the hotel tomorrow...

Everything that is staying here at Riley is in the storage shed and everything that I'm taking to the hotel (then to Illinois) with us is packed and ready to go. Al packed his A bag and his ruck sack and is going to pack his personal bag tonight. We are staying here in the apartment tonight on an air mattress then move into the hotel tomorrow. We will stay in a hotel till he leaves. We still don't have an exact "D" date. I'm relieved that the house is packed and that everything that needed to get done is done but it's also kind of a sad feeling because we are so close to the next step, him leaving. Albert's dad and his g/f came today to help us load the heavy things into the truck then unload them into the storage shed. We had a late lunch with them, it was a good visit. Tomorrow I think we are going to go to the Apple Festival and just try to have a bit of fun and then Monday Albert's mom gets here. I'm really not sure what our game plan is after that.....hopefully we will just be able to make some really good memories and take in every single second that we have before he has to go. I'm not sure if we will have internet at the hotel, if we do I'll be on here but if we don't I won't be back on till we get back to my parents house in IL.