Thursday, September 25, 2008

Having a minor meltdown right now....

Albert will be gone by this time next week. We've got pretty much everything in the apartment packed and will be loading our life treasures onto a truck and droping them off at the storage shed on Saturday. This is so random but I almost feel like I'll be putting my life in storage for the next year also. I remember last deployment I had such a hard time getting away from the computer for fear that I would miss him on yahoo messenger. I longed for any connection I had with him. I'm pretty upset right now about the unit he got placed in. They don't seem to have their head on strait and I can honestly say that from what I've seen so far, I fear Albert going to war with them. I didn't have these feelings when he deployed with 642nd last time and it really scares me that I have have them this time. I think that the army gives you one big favor in your whole career and I think we might have cashed ours in. Albert getting to stay back when Bree was born was huge and I wouldn't trade it for the world although at the same time ever since we moved here we haven't been able to catch a break. Today for example, his whole unit is getting half day (tomorrow too) and who did they pick to go to an all day class.....yep, Albert. Not only is this his last Thursday and Friday here, when the rest of the guys are at home with their families mine is stuck in some redundant class trying not to fall asleep. He hasn't even had his 12 month dwell time and they are sending him again, which is fine, ok, I can deal with that. They get him for another whole year, I'm just asking that he is treated as fairly as the other guys in his unit who get to spend their last week getting half days and making memories with thier families-I think reality just hit that he is leaving again and there is nothing I can even do about it. I feel like everything in my life right now is out of control. It's like I'm at a movie theatre watching my own life. I just want to cry, i'm so overwhelmed with emotion right now.