Monday, November 10, 2008

It's been a little over a month since this deployment started.

Aubree and I are doing pretty good. She is getting so big she's 37 pounds and sooo soooo tall! Today was Aubree's first evening/night without her paci. I told her that they were all in the trash and that it was time for her to be a big girl now. I also told her it was time to start going pee-pee and do-do on the potty and that only babies wear diapers. Tomorrow I will start potty training with 100% full force. It's official, our baby isn't a baby anymore. I so wish Albert was here to enjoy this part of her life. She gets so excited about the little things. She loves Christmas tree's or well anything that has to do with Christmas really! lol She is so happy with just the simple things, I have a lot to learn from Bree. Her and Albert are so much alike. They are both so caring and concerned for others and just so full of love. I am so blessed to have them in my life. I haven't been able to talk to Albert a whole lot and when I do hear from him there is a lot of static on the line so most of the conversation is "What did you say?" "Are you there?" and "Hello?" We thought he was going to be stationed at the same base he was at last time but it turns out that that's not the case right now. I'm a bit upset with his unit because they still haven't put out a correct address. I really hope I get an address in time to at least send him something for Christmas as I've already missed his Birthday. Things have been pretty busy the past month and I hope they stay busy because time seems to go by more quick. 1 month down and a lot more to go. I can't wait to see my husband.

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