Monday, October 06, 2008

He's gone...

Well, He's gone. I dropped him off at the motor pool on October 3rd around 6:30 a.m. We said our goodbyes in the car since we weren't allowed to go inside the building and wait with our guys. I didn't get any pictures because it was so dark outside. It was such a sad morning for our little family. I had cried so much the night before that I didn't even have anymore tears to cry. Albert told Aubree that he had to go to work and Aubree told him that she wanted to go too. Sad. I honestly think this goodbye was harder then the first deployment goodbye. Aubree is getting so big and is picking up on so much, I just feel so bad that they are going to miss out on eachother. They are both so amazing and (yes this is a poor me moment) it's just not fair. Albert and I have talked and we've decided that he will be getting out when this contract is up. I don't care if we both have to work full time and live in a shack, just as long as we are together as a family....that's all I care about. This is such a hard lifestyle packed with soooo many goodbyes..... way to many goodbyes. Aubree just got up from her nap so I'm going to take her outside to play for a few hours.

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