Thursday, October 09, 2008

One week down...

I've heard from Albert a few times and he seems to be ok. He is stuck in ****** right now which sucks for him. He said it's really hot but not nearly as hot as it's going to be when he gets to his final destination. He said he doesn't know how some of the people in his unit are even going to handle it because they are having a hard time dealing with the heat where they are now! I feel so bad for them all, that gear is soooo heavy. I guess Bree and I are doing ok. We have been pretty busy since we got home. Everyone wanted to see us so we've been making our trips around. Aubree has been doing amazing. She is sleeping in a "big girl" bed and we haven't had any issues with the transition. She has been getting up a little earlier then she used to but no biggie there. I'm just so blessed to have her. We are all unpacked and settled into mom and dads house. I'm missing Albert pretty bad. I hate when something really crazy or important happens because I can't just pick up the phone and call him. I miss having him on demand. lol I've been coming out of my shell a bit though. I haven't had a choice really! Aubree and I had a whole 10 minute conversation with some random lady at the store the other day. lol People see my ACU handbag and feel the need to tell me all about someone that they know that is in the service. Sometimes it's ok but sometimes it's just easier not to talk about him being gone. Everyone in the family feels the need to let everyone they/we run into know that he's over there. I guess it's nice to have the support of people but at the same time.....dang. Him being gone is still a huge adjustment for us. Week one is over and I'm glad. I can't wait for this whole year to be over so my family can be back together.

Monday, October 06, 2008

He's gone...

Well, He's gone. I dropped him off at the motor pool on October 3rd around 6:30 a.m. We said our goodbyes in the car since we weren't allowed to go inside the building and wait with our guys. I didn't get any pictures because it was so dark outside. It was such a sad morning for our little family. I had cried so much the night before that I didn't even have anymore tears to cry. Albert told Aubree that he had to go to work and Aubree told him that she wanted to go too. Sad. I honestly think this goodbye was harder then the first deployment goodbye. Aubree is getting so big and is picking up on so much, I just feel so bad that they are going to miss out on eachother. They are both so amazing and (yes this is a poor me moment) it's just not fair. Albert and I have talked and we've decided that he will be getting out when this contract is up. I don't care if we both have to work full time and live in a shack, just as long as we are together as a family....that's all I care about. This is such a hard lifestyle packed with soooo many goodbyes..... way to many goodbyes. Aubree just got up from her nap so I'm going to take her outside to play for a few hours.